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Read the following passage carefully and compose a  sentence outline for it. S. O. S. The environment is everything that  surrounds us :plants, animals, buildings,country, air ,water—literally  everything that affects us in any way. Theenvironment of a town ,with its buildings and traffic and its noise and smells,where everyone is on  top of everyone else, is a far cry from that of thecountryside, with its  fields and crops ,its wild and domestic animals and itsfeeling of  spaciousness. And the environment differs in different parts of  theworld. Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants  exist together anddepend on each other and on the local environment .  Where an environment isundisturbed ,the ecology of an area is in  balance, but if a creature dies outor an alien species is introduced, then the ecology of the district will beupset —in other words, the balance of  nature will be disturbed. Man is a part of the environment and has  done much to upset the ecology duringhis short span on earth than any  other living creature. He has done this byhis ignorance ,his greed, and  his wastefulness. He has poisoned the atmosphereand polluted both  land and water. He has carelessly wasted the earth's naturalresources  with no thought for the future. He is using up the earth's  naturalresources —fuels and mineral ores —at an ever-increasing rate  with no hope ofreplacing them. Even at this moment ,many of the  earth's natural treasures arebeing destroyed, many valuable animals  and plants are being killed off. What's more, the world is overpopulated and this overpopulation is growingcontinuously. For many years the  earth has been unable to provide enough foodfor these rapidly  expanding populations and the situation is steadilydeteriorating since  the vast areas that were once fertile have turned intodeserts. And the  trouble with deserts is that they tend to creep outwards ontothe fertile  soils. What is now the northern Sahara Desert fed much of thecivilized  world 2,500 years ago. Since human beings have done so much damage ,it is up to them to try to putmatters right —if it is not already too late .  If there is to be any remedyfor the illness on earth, the remedy  ultimately lies in the hands of the humanbeings themselves, and the  sooner they start taking actions ,the better.  _____________________________________________________________________________________






更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日