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Success was once defined as being able to stay at a company for a long time and move up the corporate ladder. The goal was to reach the top, accumulate wealth and retire to a life of ease. My father is a successful senior executive. In 35 years, he worked for only three companies.





(1)What does the author use the example of his father to ilustrate?

A.How long people took to reach the top of their career

B.How people accumulated wealth in his father's time

C.How people viewed success in his father's time

D.How long people usually stayed in a company


(2)Why did people often change jobs when the author started his career?

A.It was considered a fashion at that time

B.It was a way to advance in their career

C.It was a response to the changing job market

D.It was difficult to keep a job for long


(3)What does the author say about people now working for several businesses at the same time?

A.They are often regarded as most treasured talents

B.They are able to bring their potential into fuller play

C.They have control over their life and work schedules

D.They feel proud of being outstanding problem solver


(4)What have businesses come to recognize now?

A.Who is capable of solving problems with ease

B.How people can be more focused and productive

C.What kind of people can contribute more to them

D.Why some people are more passionate about work


(5)What does the author say about the gig economy?

A.It may force companies to reform their business practice

B.It may soon replace the traditional economic model

C.It will drive technological progress on a global scale

D.It will bring about radical economic and social changes






更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日