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  • 试卷类型:在线模考









Dialogue One

Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. _1_  

Shop assistant: We should have some in stock, but I'm not sure. _2_ 

Customer: Thank you. I'd like to try on a blue one if possible. 

Shop assistant: Well, the blue ones are out of stock. _3_ 

Customer: Hmm, it looks nice. _4_ 

Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.



A. May I try it on, please?

B. Let me check it for you

C. How about this green one?

D. Do you have a skirt like this in size M?



A. May I try it on, please?

B. Let me check it for you

C. How about this green one?

D. Do you have a skirt like this in size M?



A. May I try it on, please?

B. Let me check it for you

C. How about this green one?

D. Do you have a skirt like this in size M?



A. May I try it on, please?

B. Let me check it for you

C. How about this green one?

D. Do you have a skirt like this in size M?


Dialogue Two

Teacher: Nice to meet you again, Jenny,

Jenny: Hi, Miss Wang.

Teacher: _1_ 

Jenny: It was wonderful. How about you?

Teacher: Great! _2_ And the scenery there was so impressive.

Jenny: I agree! I went there last summer, too.  _3_ 

Teacher: Yeah, Oh, it's almost time for class. We can talk about it later.



A. Come in and join the class

B. It was such a charming place

C. How was your summer vacation?

D. I travelled to Jiuzhaigou Valley with my family



A. Come in and join the class

B. It was such a charming place

C. How was your summer vacation?

D. I travelled to Jiuzhaigou Valley with my family



A. Come in and join the class

B. It was such a charming place

C. How was your summer vacation?

D. I travelled to Jiuzhaigou Valley with my family


Dialogue Three

Jane: Hello, may I speak to Miss Jones?

Receptionist: Oh, she's just left the office.


Receptionist: Well, I'm not sure. _2_

Jane: Yes, please. Could you tell her that Jane Henderson called and ask her to call me back?

Receptionist: Of course.  _3_

Jane: Sure. It's 0151 227 9789.

Receptionist: OK. I'll tell Miss Jones that you called

Jane: Thanks.


A. When would you like to meet?

B. May I have your phone number?

C. When do you think she'll be back?

D. Would you like to leave a message?


A. When would you like to meet?

B. May I have your phone number?

C. When do you think she'll be back?

D. Would you like to leave a message?


A. When would you like to meet?

B. May I have your phone number?

C. When do you think she'll be back?

D. Would you like to leave a message?


Passage One

Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson in the back seat of a New York City taxi.Here's what happened. I got on a taxi and set out for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car cut in right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on the brakes. The taxi skidded (滑行) and missed that black car's back end just by inches!

The driver of the black car, who almost caused a big accident, started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. He was so friendly! I was surprised and asked,"Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" Then my taxi driver taught me something, which I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck."

Many people are like “garbage trucks". They run around full of “garbage"- full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their "garbage" piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they will dump it on you. When they do so, do not take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You will be happy with what you have done.

I started to criticize myself for my previous reactions."How often did I let 'garbage truok'y run right over me? And how often did I take their 'garbage' and spread it to other people at work, at home or on the streets?" It was that day that I made up my mind not to act like that anymore.

Successful people do not let "garbuge trucks" take over their day. What about us?


If we let more "garbage trucks" pass us by, we will be happier. Life is too short to wake up with regres in the morning. So, lcve those people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who do not,

(1) In Paragraph 1,"slammed on the brakes" meams“_____."

A. drove the car steadily

B. stopped the ear suddenly

C. overtook the front car carefully

D. speeded up the car immediately

(2) Which of the following statements is true about the taxi driver?

A. He caused a big accident

B. He was sent to the hospital

C. He shouted at the other driver

D. He acted friendly to the other driver

(3) What does "garbage trucks" in this passage refer to?

A. People collecting garbage

B. People with negative feelings

C. The trucks carrying kitchen waste

D. The trucks working at a dumping ground

(4) The author regretted_____ .

A. having smiled and waved at the driver

B. having taken the “garbage” and spread it to others

C. having acted friendly towards people on the streets

D. having let the driver go when he almost caused the car accident

(5) The purpose of the passage is_____ .

A. to teach people how to drive in the city

B. to tell people how to avoid car accidents

C. to inform people of traffic rules in New York

D. to advise people on handling bad emotions from others


Passage Two

Nowadays, children heavily cling to digial devices such as computers and smart phones,Some spend up to six hours a day on their digital devices. They ean be playing games online with people elsewhere, updating their status on social media, texting friends, or looking for the latest apps to download to their computers or smart phones.

This worried Marin Strott. He is the headmaster of the Old Hall School in Wellington, England. He was so concerned that he challenged his students to take part in a week of "digital detox", a program to reduce their reliance on digital devices. Mr. Strott told the loeal newspaper, the Shropshire Star, that too much sereen time would affect the development of their social skils. At another interview with a magazine, he mentioned that this over-reliance on digital devices"takes away family time and reduces their chances of face-to-face communication”.

The parents are happy with the program. But what about the children? Nine-year-old Fred usually spends around two hours on his digital devices at home after school and around 12 hours on weekends. For him, the digital detox experience was “really hard". He said that he had been engaged in many interesting outdoor activities organized by the headmaster, but still missed his phone and online games.

The idea of keeping children away from their digital devices for a while to prevent too much dependence on them is not particularly new. There have been similar practices in the United States. But are they effective in the long run? According to Mr. Strott, even if kids go back to their digital devices, the hope is that at least they will think about how they will use their time.

(1) According to Paragraph 1, what would children do when they cling to their digital devices?

A. They would shop on social media

B. They would message their friends

C. They would develop the latest apps

D. They would do their homework online

(2) What does the term “digital detox"(Para. 2) mean?

A. Developing their social skills

B. Using digital devices skillfully

C. Spending less time on digital devices

D. Promoting the use of digital devices

(3) The Shropshine Star is_____ .

A. a magazine

B. a newspaper

C. a learning app

D. a digital device

(4) How did Fred feel about his "digial detox" experience?


B. Ashamed

C. Enjoyable

D. Attractive

(5) What is the passage mainly about?

A. The functions of smart phones

B. An introduction to digital devices

C. The after-class activities for students

D. A project to prevent over-reliance on digital devices





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日