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  • 试卷类型:在线模考










In this section you will hear 10 statements. At the end of each statement, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following 10 questions. You will hear everything ONCE ONLY Now listen to the statements.


Question 1

What does the speaker suggest?

A. You should call Margaret soon

B. Margaret will be better later on

C. It's too late to call on Margaret now

D. Margaret is the best person to tell


Question 2

How is the orchestra, according to Lena and Marco?

A. Like Lena, Marco preferred to be in the country

B. Marco performed in the orchestra with Lena

C. Unlike Lena, Marco thought the orchestra played poorly

D. Marco tried to inform Lena that the concert was canceled


Question 3

At what time did the ferry arrive?






Question 4

What happened on the opening day

A. There were no tickets left by noon of the opening day.

B. A few tickets were left for the afternoon of the opening day

C. Not many showed up to purchase tickets on the opening day.

D. There were so many tickets left that they had to sell them again the day after the opening day


Question 5

What is their favorite color?

A. It's yellow

B.It’s red

C. It's green

D. It's blue


Question 6

What is Jane going to do?

A. Jane can't attend the meeting because she has too much homework

B. Jane completed her homework early so that she could attend the meeting.

C. Although Jane has homework due tomorrow, she plans to go to the meeting

D. Jane refuses to attend the meeting because of the homework.


Question 7

What did Maureen finally buy?

A. She wanted a steak, so she bought one.

B. She ordered a hamburger

C. She got what she wanted

D. She always finds what she wants


Question 8

How often does Jenny go to the theater now?

A. She goes there once a year now

B. She goes there twice a year now.

C. She goes there three times a month now.

D. She goes there four times a month now


Question 9

What does the speaker mean?

A. Can I borrow your flashlight?

B. Do you have matches or a lighter?

C. What's the matter? Can't you see very well?

D. Do you have a spare light bulb to give me?


Question 10

What does the speaker imply?

A. They suspected me of the killing

B. I did not know the answers

C. They expected me to be an agent

D. I certainly knew the answers


In this section you will hear five short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer two questions. You will hear everything ONCE ONLY.


Questions 11 and 12 are based on conversation one.

Question 11

Where does the conversation take place?

A. On the phone

B. In the restaurant

C. In Peterson's home

D. At the manager's office


Question 12

What can you infer from the dialogue?

A. The restaurant is rather small

B. There's no regulation without exception

C. Regular customers enjoy some privileges

D. Vegetarian food is popular in the West nowadays


Questions 13 and 14 are based on conversation two

Question 13

According to the dialogue, what may happen to Tom?

A. Go to the party in London

B. Get transferred to London

C. Leave London next Sunday

D. Find an apartment in London


Question 14

What will the woman do for Tom?

A. Have a party for Tom

B. Go to London with Tom

C. Stay with Tom in London

D. Call Tom up and congratulate him


Questions 15 and 16 are based on conversation three.

Question 15

What does the man mean?

A. He feels good about the woman’s resignation

B. He wants to persuade the woman to stay by raising her salary

C. He wants to test the woman's determination

D. He thinks the woman had better find a job elsewhere


Question 16

Why does the woman resign?

A. She feels unsatisfied with her salary.

B. She tries to persuade her boss to raise the salary.

C. She wants to seek a job with more opportunities for personal development

D. She has found a job with a 50% higher salary


Questions 17 and 18 are based on conversation four

Question 17

In how many days will the test be held?

A. Less than seven days

B. At least seven days

C. More than seven days

D. About nine days


Question 18

Why does the woman think it is good that the test will be early?

A. They'll have time to study for it

B. Afternoons are bad times for tests

C. After it, they can study for their other exams

D. They can start planning for their semester break


Questions 19 and 20 are based on conversation five

Question 19

How is the weather in the morning?

A. Fine

B. Clear

C. Foggy

D. Overcast


Question 20

What does the woman suggest that the man should do?

A. Call about the weather forecast

B. Watch the weather analysis on TV

C. Listen to the weather report on radio

D. Read the weather forecast in the newspaper.


In this section you will hear two items of news. At the end of each item, you will be given 50 seconds to answer the questions. You will hear everything TWICE.


Questions 2I through 25 are based on news item one.

Question 21

How long has Cyprus been separated?

A. 10 years

B. 12 years

C. 20 years

D. 30 years


Question 22

When was the last talk held?

A. This month

B. This year

C. Last month

D. Last year


Question 23

How many sides have committed themselves to the UN blueprint?

A. One side

B. Two sides

C. Three sides

D. None


Question 24

What is the aim of the talks?

A. Reuniting the island of Cyprus

B. Eliminating conflicts between Greece and Turkey

C. Making the two countries into one

D. Cyprus’ entering the European Union


Question 25

When, according to Kofi Annan, should the two sides hold a referendum?

A. In august

B. In July

C. In October

D. In April.


Questions 26 through 30 are based on news item two

Question 26

The leaders from how many countries attended the summit?

A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

D. Six


Question 27

What will the new EU official, who would be a vice president of the EU executive commission, focus exclusively on

A. How to push ahead with globalized economy

B. Economic reforms within the EU member countries

C. How to build European economic power against the United States

D. How to help African countries handle their economic problems


Question 28

Where is the summit meeting held?

A. In Berlin

B. In London

C. In Paris

D. In Rome


Question 29

What is the goal of the EU by 2010?

A. To make the EU the world,'s leading military power

B. To make the EU the world's leading industrial power

C. To make the EU the world's political center

D. To make the EU the world's leading economic power


Question 30

What is the main criticism of the leaders' meeting?

A. The Big Three were trying to dominate the bloc before it takes on three new member states for May

B. The Big Three were trying to dominate the bloc before it takes on five new member states for October 1

C. The Big Three were trying to dominate the bloc before it takes on ten new member states for October 1

D. The Big Three were trying to dominate the bloc before it takes on ten new member states for May 1


In this section you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will be given 50 seconds to answer the questions. ou will hear everything TWICE.


Questions 31 through 35 are based on passage one.

Question 31

Where did Alexander Bell receive higher education?

A. In Edinburgh

B. In Edinburgh and London

C. In Canada

D. In Boston


Question 32

What did Bell do when he first moved to Boston?

A. He opened a school for deaf persons

B. He majored in vocal physiology at Boston University

C. He started his experiments in the telephone

D. He set up a school to train teachers of the deaf.


Question 33

What did Bell discover during the experiment mentioned in the passage?

A. That sounds could be sent by electric current

B. That sounds coming through steel spring were very clear.

C. That the vibrations of the human voice could be transmitted by electric current

D. That the telegraph could also be used to transmit the human voice if adjustment was made


Question 34

What happened on April 3, 1877?

A. Bell succeeded in making a long-distance phone call

B. The first telephone was born

C. A telephone service between Boston and New York was started

D. Bell obtained a patent for the telephone


Question 35

Which of the following statements about the great inventor is NOT true?

A. Bell was British by birth

B. Bell was enthusiastic in helping the deaf.

C. Bell’s invention of the telephone enabled deaf people to communicate with each other

D. Bell's invention of the telephone was related to his study of sound


Questions 36 through 40 are based on passage two

Question 36

Which of the following is true about the urban people of Western Canada during the early years of the country?

A. They paid no special attention to information about the production and the price of wheat

B. They might casually take the growing of wheat as a topic of conversation

C. They also grew wheat in their backyards

D. They were as much concerned with the wheat production and selling as the farmers


Question 37

When did most farmers have to pay their debts?

A. When crop failure caused depression

B. When the autumn harvest had just been completed

C. When the wheat prices became increasingly high

D. As soon as the Winnipeg Grain Exchange demanded payment


Question 38

In which season were wheat prices generally low?

A. In summer

B. In autumn

C. In winter

D. In spring.


Question 39

What does depression indicate?

A. Poor economy.

B. Sentence

C. Limitation

D. Unpublished


Question 40

Why did the government appoint a board of grain supervisors in 1917?

A. To meet the farmers' request for firmer control

B. To hold back inflation and rising living costs

C. To fix the grain prices so that the farmers could be better rewarded for their work

D. To establish a full authority to buy, sell and set prices





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日