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  • 试卷类型:在线模考









Supply the missing paragraph

The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.


 In our system of education today, examinations are a common feature. Our present education system has often been criticized as too examination-oriented. However, one must remember that in offices and other areas of work, examinations still feature clearly. There is no doubt that the fear and influence of examination cause much preparation work. So it therefore appears that examinations whether considered good or bad would stay for a while as a test of human knowledge.


 In offices whether government or private ones, examination results show clearly whether a person is fit for promotion. The result indicate how much he knows about the work.

 In our schools, examinations play several roles. Yearly school examinations help to grade students into different classes. Government examination help to stream students into different classes so it they can pursue a specific line of study.

 In all these cases, examinations inculcate a spirit of hard work and competition. Students or office workers can refresh their mind again and again on what they have learnt. This maintains a certain individual and overall standard of knowledge. 


Write an outline

Read the following passage carefully and compose a"topic outline".

The Human brain

For centuries, people wondered about how the human brain works. Researchers were particularly concerned about its structure and functions. It was not long ago that scientists made the remarkable discovery that our brains are divided into two halves-left brain and right brain, and that each half has separate features and roles.

The left brain is said to be the logical brain. It is the left brain that we use to solve mathematical problems and go think logically. For example, if you are asked how to make coffee, this is what happens. Your left brain begins to work; it searches its files for information on coffee making. If it finds the files, it begins relating what to do step by step. If it does not find any record, it says it does not know.

The right brain is often called the creative brain. It has the function of thinking creatively. This contains all the artistic functions including art and music appreciation. When you want to draw a picture or compose a piece of music or write poetry, it is the right brain that is in operation. When you come across a new situation in your life, your right brain gives ideas on how to tackle it.

To some people, the left brain is dominant and to others, the right brain is. Of people who are good in mathematics and language expression-that is, putting into practice what they have learnt, we say that they are more left-brained. They are not very sensitive and believe in doing everything only after reasoning. They are very sharp at arguments. They are the type who will not believe in anything until they see it. Right-brained people are more artistic and have a good sense of music appreciation. They are also more sensitive and tend to be emotional. They are more open to new ideas and are willing to accept radical positions

Is the left brain better or the right brain? Both sides of the brain are equally important. In an ideal situation, a person should be exactly equal in both sides of the brain. However, as in most things, the ideal never happens. People are dominated by one or the other side of their brains. In order to function effectively in the world, we must learn to use both sides of the brain. In many situations that we meet in the world, there will be requirements for both sides of the brain to work together as partners. For example, when you want to write a story, which brain do you use? The answer is both brains You need the right brain to think of the ideas and you need the left side to arrange everything in a logical sequence. You cannot go through life with only one side functioning.

It's fundamentally important for people to know these interesting facts about the human brains. However, many aspects concerning our brains still remain unknown. With scientists' persistent efforts, more secrets of the human brain will be revealed.


Compose an essay

E-mail is an entirely new means of communication, but it gains growing popularity rapidly. Write an essay( about 300 words)expressing your view on it.





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日