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  • 试卷类型:在线模考









PART ONE(共50分)

Ⅰ.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully.For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50points, 1 point for each)



Which of the following is not true about McCarthyism?

A、It was the reflection of anti-Communism on the American society.

B、It refers to the anti-Communist hysteria in the United States.

C、The court played a role in approving the lawfulness of antiCommunist activities.

D、It frightened a large number of Americans who felt it would be more dangerous to conform than to disagree with the majority.


_______ was elected president because in the late 1970s,the American society turned conservative.

A.Ronald Reagan

B.Jimmy Carter

C.Richard M Nixon

D.George Bush


_______the Pacific Coast's largest and busiest commercial city and the second largest city in population in the United States,is located in the heart of a rich agriculture and oil producing region.

A.San Francisco

B.Los Angeles

C.New York

D.New Orleans


The president cannot veto a law if Congress passes it by a vote at the second time.






_______must first come from the House of representation.

A.Legislative bills

B.Commercial bills

C.Revenue bills

D.Budget bills   


According to the U.S.Constitution, education is a function of the______


B.federal government




Junior colleges include the following colleges except_______






Mummers  Parade held in_______is one of the most popular lar New Year's Day activities.

A、New York City

B、Washington DC




_______is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

A.Independence Day

B.Thanksgiving Day

C.Christmas Day

D.New Year's Day


It was_______who established the settlement in Canada in 1608. 

A.Henry Hudson                   

B.John Cabot

C.Jacques Carder                   

D.Samuel de Champlain


According to the new federal Immigration Act  (1978) , the following are the fundamental objectives of Canadian immigration law except_______ 

A.family reunion

B.concern for refugees

C.promotion of the economic development of the country

D.preservation of British culture


Australia is the world's_______continent with an area of About      million square kilonetres

A、secorgest, 8.7

B、smallest, 7.7

C、third largest, 6.7

D、fourth, 6.2


80% of Australians live in_______

A.the west

B.the north

C.the south and east

D.the central


New South Wales was the first colony set up by Britain in______So it is the oldest of the australian states






Queensland is also called_______ 

A.the garden state

B.The sunshine state

C.the premier state

D.the state of excitement


______is also called the garden city because of its beautiful layout.




D.South Australia


New Zealand consists of two main islands:_______

A.North Island and South Island

B.Steward Island and Long Island

C.West Island and East Island

D.Victorian Island and Tasman Island


The climate in New Zealand is generally_______






At present, there are_____ member countries within the Commonweal






The Anglo-Saxons brought_______religion to Britain


B.Roman Catholic




William,Duke of Normandy,  fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in_______ 






Which of the following is not true about "Domesday Book"?

A、It was compiled to discover how much to be called upon to pay by taxes.

B、It was so called because it seemed to the English like the Book of Doom used on Judgment Day.

C、It was completed as the result of a general survey of England.

D、It is kept in the public library in London.


According to Magna Carta no tax should be made without the approval of______

A.the witan

C.the Grand Council

B.the King

D.the Commons


The Hundred Years War between England and France was caused by_______

A.racial struggles

B.territorial and economic disputes

C.colonial expansions

D.struggle for new territories


The War of Roses that took place from 1455 t0 1485 was fought between _______

A.Britain and France

B.the parliament and the Crown 

C.the working people and the aristocrats

D.two branches of the Plantagenet family


The religious reform in England in the 16th century was to_______and to make_______Church of England.  

A.connections with the Pope,an independent

B.establish connections with the Pope,a Catholic

C.establish new relations with the Pope, a Royal

D.alter theology in every way, revolutionary


Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabeth age.Which of the four is the exception?

A、Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with parliament.

B、Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.

C、This was the age of literature which Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.

D、This was the beginning of trade and colonization.


The First Civil War in England began in_______and ended In _______






in Britain the Nonconformists were originally called the_______






in  Britain,  the Tories were the forerunners of_______,which still bears the nickname today.

A.the Labor Party

B.the Conservative Party

C.the Liberal Party

D.the Social Democratic Party


After_______between Britain and France,Canada was ceded to Britaii1763 Treaty of Paris.

A.the Six Years' War

B.the Quebec War

C.the Canadian War

D.the Seven Years' War


The Reform Act of 1832 was also called_______ which abolished "rotten boroughs".

A.the Election Act of 1832

B.the Greater Charter of 1832

C.the petition of Right

D.the Anti-Corruption Act


The first woman prime minister in Britain was_______who came to power in_______ 

A.Margaret That1979

B.Elizabeth I9 1979

C.Edward Heath, 1973

D.Harold Macmillan, 1950


Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal?

A、All hereditary peers and peeresses of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom(but not peers of Ireland).

B、Life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties.

C、Senior bishops of the Church of England.

D、All other life peers.


Which of the following is not involved in the British judicial responsibilities?    

A、Attorney General.

B、Ministry of Justice.

C、The Lord Chancellor.

D、The Home Secretary.


Police forces are allowed to join some organizations except_______

A.a club

B.a trade union

C.a political

D.the army


Which statement about the religion in Britain is true?


A、Every person in Britain may change his religion,but with difficulty

B、Every person may not manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance.

C、Every person has the right to religious freedom without interference from the community or the State.

D、Churches and religious societies of any kind cannot own property and propagate their beliefs in speeches and writing.



Which statement about the British universities is not true?

A、They enjoy academic freedom.

B、They cannot appoint their own staff.

C、They are governed by royal charters.

D、They provide their


Which of theain?

A.Financial Times

B.The Sun

C.The Guardian

D.The Times


The home of golf is_______where the game has been played since the_______century.

A.Scotland, 17th

B.England, 17th

C.England, 18th

D.Scotland, 18th


_______remain the most significant feature of Irish landscape. 


B.Low ridges




Which of the following statements about Ireland's history is true'?

A、Ireland was invaded only by Celtic tribes.

B、The arrival of St. Patrick in AD 432 was perhaps the most important event in Irish history.

C、At the early of the 8th century the Viking invasions began.

D、In 1170, the Anglo-Saxons invaded Ireland and from then on,the conflict between the English and the Irish went on for almost 600 years.



Ireland declared itself a republic in_______






Christopher Columbus  was_______navigator supported by the______

A.a Spanish, Spanish queen

B.an Italian, Spanish queen

C.an English, English queen

D.a portuguese, portuguese king


The Constitution was first ratified by_______ in December 1787.


B.New York




In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery issue became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because_______

A.whether the future states formed as a result of the westward movement should be free or slave world affect the balance of power in the Senate

B.the south insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new territories

C.the north refused to let slavery spread into new territories

D.the north wanted to put an end to slavery


With the development of industry and extension of railroad network in theearly 20th century in the USA, there appeared ______

A.a rapid with of cities

B.an influx of foreign goods

C.an increase of urban ghettos

D.a great increase in the number of farms


Which of the following does not account for President Theodore Roosevelt's contributions?  

A、The initiation of large-scale irrigation projects.

B、The implementation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act.

C、The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906.

D、The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.


_______was the beginning of a long economic depression in the U S


A.The bankruptcy of banks

B.Serious unemployment

C.The stock market crash

D.Farm foreclosures


Which of the following.that are concerned with President Franklin D.Roosevelt is not true?

A、the New Deal.

B、the Teheran Conference.

C、the Yalta Conference

D、the Potsdam Conference.


PART TWO(共50分)

ⅡGive a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(30 points, 3 points foreach)



How did the Anglo-Saxons invade England?


What is the main spirit of the Great Charter?


What was Puritanism noted for?


What was the goal of the London Working Men's Association in its struggle?


What are Established churches in Britain?


What was the consequence of the the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921?


What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement?


What are the three giants in the American automobile industry?


Why is education very important  to  Americans?


Where is the name "Canada" believed to have come from?


Ⅲ.Explain each of the follow:ing terms in English.Write your answer in the coresponding space on the answer sheet.(20 points, 5 points for each)



William the Conqueror


the  Industrial Revolution


the Bill of Rights


Two-Party System of USA





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日