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  • 试卷类型:在线模考









(1) But politics wasn’t the only subject        in the hard rock of the sixties. Feelings,always a part of any        statement, were a major subject. Janis Joplin sang of her sadness. The Beades showed there-were a range of       between love and hate. Then came The Band , mixing the more        ideas of country and western music into the more.       “city" ideas of the hard mck. This country element, Horowitz feels, helped its audience express an       to" get away from it all" , to“go back to the old days".


(2 ) Whether work should be placed among the        of happiness or among the causes of       may perhaps be regarded“a doubtful question. There is certainly much work which is   irksome , and an excess of work is always very      . I think , however, that , provided work is not excessive in       ,even the        work is to most people less painful than idleness.


( 3 ) Problems large and small       the elderly. They are easy       for crime in the       and in their homes. Because of       ,confusion, hearing and visual       they are prime        of dishonest door一to一door salesman and fraudulent advertising, and buy defective hearing aids.


(4)         ,I was considered one of the lucky ones. My scholarship to college was a       ·People did not expect me to         .Understanding this, I can understand the        in the minds of those in Watts when I was home last summer, working in the local poverty program. spread quickly that I was a FBI agent. I was suspect because I was not       to return.

A. ticket

B. puzzlement

C. unhappiness

D. amount

E .urge

F. emotions

G. dullest

H. painful

I. musical

J. debated




N. radical

O. traditional

P. Accordingly

Q. Rumors

R. supposed

S. return

T. vectims

U. difficulties

V. loneliness

W. streets

X. targets


(1). Like all artists,these rock musicians         feelings and beliefs that help us see and form our own.

(2). For many Americans,it is their lifelong dream to buy a          two一storied house with a garden.

(3). They heard of the'traffic accident and immediately rushed to the hospital,full of        about  the safety of the passengers.

(4). They slatted a campaign to         abortion.

(5). Knowledge will always           over ignorance.

(6). The news created a lot of          in the community.

(7). The firemen          all the people fmm the burning building.

(8). He can’t be a good manager. He is        of any criticisms about his management

(9). The suspect tried to         an impcrttsnt question by saying he could not remember.

(10). To increase productivity , we have to get the workers          ,but do you think material incentives will siways work?

(11). He left the crowded room , walked on to the balcony and           the fresh night air.

(12). Those violent films        the worst side of human nature.

(13). We must bear .in mind that there are still millions of people who still live at         level.

(14). She went about her business,very much          with the gossips that were going around.

(15). Some people are very        ,they believe that the location of their houses have an influence on the fortune of the family.

A. apprehension

B. predominate

C. rescued

D. miner

E. inhaled

F. superstitious

G. cater to

H. evade

I, unconcerned

j. Satisfying

K. legalize

L intolerant

M. embitterment

N. motivated

O. subsistenee


I like Walter and have always enjoyed his            company.

A. pleasant                   

B. pleasantry


He down’t like his job,but he          it before he can find something better.

A. keeps at                  

B. keeps


We         Edison’s success to intelligence and hard work.

A. contribute                

B. attribute





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日