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  • 试卷类型:在线模考









Dialogue One

Woman:Good morning,Sir.__1__

Men:Good morning.I am looking for some show information.

Woman:Yes.Which kind would you like?Movie showtime or theater playlist information?


Woman:What movie do you want showtime information about?



Man:Paramount Theater.

Woman:Saving Private Ryan is not playing at the Paramount Theater.

A.Saving Private Ryan.

B.At what theater?

C.May I help you?

D.Movie showtime.


Dialogue Two



Boss:I had very high expectations when I gave you the responsibility of managing the conference.

Victor:It was a new assignment.

Boss:That's an excuse!__2__

Victor:I have made my best efforts to do the job.I have explored lots of websites for all possible resources.

Boss:If you were unsure,you should have asked me.I could have provided guidance to you.

Victor:__3__.It's all my fault!I assure you that I will never let you down again.

A.I am terribly sorry

B.I am very disappointed with you

C.You haven't tried your level best

D.I doubt I will give you another chance again


Dialogue Three

Tomlinson:Welcome to AGC Controls,David.I am Tomlinson.

David:Hello,it's nice to meet you.

Tomlinson:__1__.I hope we didn't keep you waiting for long?

David:No,I had the chance to talk to one of your engineers while waiting.

Tomlinson:That's good.David,shall we start?


Tomlinson:First of all,let me introduce myself.I am the manager of the engineering department.__2__And we have been interviewing applicants to fill the position as quickly as possible.

David:Yes sir,I read about the position on your website,and I think__3__,What are the essential qualifications required for the position?

A.Here is an open position

B.Nice to meet you too

C.How are you doing today


Passage One

When I was11,during a junior school leavers' assembly in front of all the mums and dads,my headmistress asked my class what they wanted to do when they left school.Footballer,doctor,film.star,politician,came the replies.My answer?“I want to cycle around the world and raise money for charity."A big cheer resounded around the school hall.“So cool.”


(1)When did the writer tell everyone what he wanted to do?

A.Before he went to school

B.During school assembly

C.After he left school

D.During a class talk


What does the phrase“ran like clockwork”mean?

A.It went on time

B.It went very badly

C.It went without any problems

D.It went with only a few mistakes

(3)Why did the elephants run after the bike?

A.They don't like bikes

B.They didn't recognize it

C.The bike surprised them

D.The elephants liked the flowers

(4)How did the writer get to safety?

A.He ran away

B.He dropped the bike

C.He stood his ground

D.He went faster on his bike

(5)What does he remember most about his journey?

A.Being attacked by bandits

B.Learning about what life is about

C.Spending time with locals in the country

D.Running out of food and water in the desert


Passage Two

Tom has been interested in the natural world since he was very young.He used to keep insects and spent a lot of time drawing them.After he finished school,he went to work in a pet shop--that was great fun,but he knew he had to go to college if he wanted a better job.So he went to university to



(1)What is the writer trying to do in this text?

A.how people can protect animals

B.give an account of one day in his life

C.describe some of the people he works with

D.encourage people to have a career with wildlife

(2)What can a reader find out from this text?

A.what subject he needed to learn to get a better job

B.how many hours a day does he have to work

C.how long he has been keen on animals

D.where you can find the best sea-life centers

(3)What does the writer say about his later job?

A.It allows him to do a variety of things

B.It was quite difficult to get

C.It is better paid than his last job

D.It gives him time off work to go diving

(4)How does the writer feel about visitors to the zoo ?

A.nervous that a fish might hurt them

B.annoyed when they don't behave well

C.upset when they take the fish out of the water

D.sad when they don't ask questions

(5)What might the writer write in his diary today?

A.I performed an operation on a sick fish that had eaten a sweet wrapper

B.I spent all day in the research laboratory again doing boring experiments

C.I gave a talk to a group of schoolchildren about looking after animals

D.I watched my boss go swimming with sharks--I wish I could do that too





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日