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  • 试卷类型:在线模考










Bob: Willingly.

Ann: My computer isn't working and I've got a lot of work to do. Would you lend me your computer?

Bob: Of course. Here you are.


Bob: Please go ahead.

Ann: Could you get my computer fixed please?

Bob: What's wrong with it?


Bob:Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it.

Ann:Thank you for your help. (4)


【A】 I really appreciate it.

【B】 And could you agree with my last request?

【C】 Could I bother you to do me a favor?

【D】 I don't know why it can't run this program.


Catherine: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? I'm a bit lost.

Linda: Certainly, but it's quite a way. (1)

Catherine: I'd rather walk. But will it take me long to get there?

Linda: Well, I think so. (2)Turn left at the traffic lights there and keep on going until you

come to a tall apartment building on the right side of the street. You'll see the post office.

Catherine: (3)

Linda: Okay, I can write down for you.

Catherine: Thank you very much.


【A】 You can't miss it.

【B】 It sounds a little bit complicated.

【C】 You'd better take a taxi or bus.

【D】 Just go straight down this street.


Saleswoman: Can I help you?


Saleswoman: 500 yuan.

Shirley: That's unreasonable! I like everything about it except the price.

Saleswoman: You have made a good choice, and you have a good taste. (2)

Shirley:I still think it's too expensive. I'll consider it if you lower the price.

Saleswoman: All right. How much do you intend to spend?

Shirley: 350 yuan.

Saleswoman: You are robbing me. 370 yuan is our rock-bottom price. Don't tell others.

Shirley: Okay, I will take it. Thank you.

Saleswoman: (3)

【A This dress is quite popular for its unique design and its material.

【B】 The price is beyond my budget.

【C】 How much is the brilliant violet dress?

【D】 It's really a bargain.


Passage one
What you’ve always heard? We’re eating way too much salt. The average
American gets about 3.4grams of sodium every day, far more than the upper limit of 2.3grams recommended by the USDA. The Institute of Medicine estimates that reducing sodium intake(摄取量)nationwide could prevent 100,000death everyday.
The headlines now?it’s time to get tough. The New York City health department
recently kicked off a national effort to cut the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food by 25% over five years. 80% of the salt in the average person’s dietcomes from those sources, not from the saltshaker( 盐瓶).But wait. The benefits of salt reduction are surprisingly murky. At least 13 studies have tried to find out what happens to people who choose to eat salty or not--so-salty food --- and the results have pointed in every direction. Somestudies suggest that cutting salt protect the heart; others suggest that intense salt reduction canactually increase heart problems. What’s needed, Dr. Michel Alderman says, is a randomized(随机的),controlled trial, in which people are put on different diets and followed for years. It’s the only one way to get a reliable answer, but it’s never beendone.
So what should you done? Go easy on processed foods and eat more produce.
Those change will improve your diet in a variety of ways and cut the amount of sodium you consume. If your blood pressure is high, work with your doctor to controlit with drugs and lifestyle changes. If your blood pressure healthy?At this point,there’s no convincing reason for you to count every grain.

(1)It is stated in Paragraph 1 that our sodium intake ______.

A. is within the healthy range

B. is a bit over the upper limit

C. is well below the lower limit

D. is far beyond what is necessary

(2)The main sources of salt in our diet are ______.

A. home-made food and packaged-food

B. restaurant food and saltshakers

C. restaurant food and packaged food

D. home-made food and saltshakers

(3)What does the word “murky”(Para.3) probably mean?

A. Significant

B. Unclear

C. Obvious

D. Exaggerated

(4)What does Dr. Michael Alderman say about a randomized, controlled trial?

A. It should be carried out

B. It has been successfully conducted

C. It is already underway

D. It’s too late to try it

(5)As stated in the last paragraph, people with normal blood pressure ______.

A. It should be carried out

B. It has been successfully conducted.

C. It is a;ready under way

D. It is too late to try it


Passage Two
There is a tale that straw is the worst material from which to build a house,particularly if you are a pig with a hungry wolf around. So the cards were stacked against Warren Brush when local officials learned that he had several buildings madeof straw bales(大捆) on his land.
They have tried to fine him. A lot. But the case is still unresolved. The problem isthat California ’s  building codes make no provision for the use of straw. And Mr.Brush has many defenders-among them several university scientists and David Eisenberg. the chairman of the United States Green Building Council’s  code
committee . They would like to see the prejudice against straw house eliminated, forstraw is. in many ways,. an ideal building material.
It is. for one thing. a great insulator(绝缘体) . That keeps down the heating bills inhouses made from it. It is also a waste product that would otherwise be burned, and istherefore cheap . And-very much to the point in a place like California-it is aearthquake-resistant. Last year a test conducted at the University of Nevada showedthat straw-bale constructions could withstand twice the amount of ground motionrecorded in the Northridge earthquake that hit Los Angeles in 1994 .
There are other straws in the wind: a post office in suburban Albuquerque. a .school in Maryland. and an office complex in suburban Los Angeles have all been built from straw . Even California is having a rethink. and may change its rules to adapt to straw-bale construction. As Mr Eisenberg observes.  “the lesion of the ThreeLittle Pigs isn ’t to avoid straw . It ’s that you don ’t let a pig build your house. 

(1) By “the cards were stacked against Warren Brush ”. the author means that Brush ___.

A. received punishment

B. made a breakthrough

C. might win a prize

D. would be in trouble

(2) David Eisenberg is mentioned___.

A. for the purpose of supporting Warren Bush

B. as a representative of official opinions

C. to provide evidence against straw house

D. to show the importance of the building codes


What is Paragraph 3 mainly about ?

A. The structure of straw house

B. The possibility of building straw house

C. The advantages of straw house

D. The suggestions of building straw house

(4) It can be learned from the last paragraph that California.

A. will fine Warren Brush as planned

B. will reduce the fine on Warren Brush

C. may not fine Warren Brush

D. may consider a heavier fine on Warren Brush

(5) The author ’s purpose in writing the passage is to .

A. highlight the prejudice against straw house

B. show that straw can be used to build house

C. explain how to build a house with straw

D. introduce a new building material





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日