Passage One
Electronic computers are among the fastest and most useful instruments forsorting and comparing in use today. Computers provide the means for greaterspeed and accuracy in working with ideas than had previously been possible. Withthe development of these new tools, it is as if man has suddenly become amillionaire of the mind.
A.Computers have extended the power of our mind
B.Computers have extended the range of our senses
C.Computers have extended the scope of our activities
D.Computers have extended the speed of our reasoning
A.made unable to move quickly
B.prevented from, talking to others
C.prevented from doing anything else
D.made unable to concentrate properly
A.store technical data
B.process information
C.distribute information
D.perform medical operations
A.they produce vivid pictures
B.they record special numbers
C.they process specific information
D.they store continuous information
Passage Two
Imagine cating everything delicious you want- -with none of the fat. That would be great, wouldn't it?
A.contains plenty of nutrients
B.makes foods easily digestible
C.makes foods fat-free while keeping them delicious
D.renders foods calorie-free while retaining their vitamins
A.just as anticipated
B.quite unexpected
C.commercially useless
D.somewhat controversial
A.it prevents excessive intake of vitamins
B.it helps reduce the incidence of heart disease
C.it facilitates the absorption of vitamins by the body
D.it passes through the intestines without being absorbed
A.It may increase the risk of cancer
B.It may affect the overall fat intake
C.It may impair the digestive system
D.It may spoil the consumers* appetite
A.it may weaken the function of the intestines
B.it may lead to the over-consumption of vitamins
C.it may trigger a new wave of fake food production
D.it may induce people to eat more than is necessary
Passage Three
There must be few questions on which responsible opinion is so, utterlydivided as on that of how much sleep we ought to have. There are some who think we can leave the body to regulate these matters for itself, "The answer is easy,”
A.there are many controversial issues like the right amount of sleep
B.people are now moving towards solving many controversial issues
C.among many issues the right amount of sleep is the least controversial
D.the right amount of sleep is a topic of much controversy among scientists
A.some people go to bed very late at night
B.some people still feel tired with enough sleep
C.few people still feel sleepy when it is time to get up
D.not many people can wake up feeling fresh and alert
A.very tired
B.very excited
C.very worried
D.very depressed
A.sleeping less is good for human development
B.it is incorrect to say that people sleep too little
C.those who can sleep less should be encouraged
D.people ought to be persuaded to sleep less than before
A.discusses three different opinions
B.explains an opinion of his own
C.revises someone else's opinion
D.refutes all the three opinions
Passage Four
We were pleased to see the Defense Department finally recognize the powerof the Supreme Court over prisoners of the military and order the armed forces tofollow the Geneva Conventions requirement of decent treatment for all prisoners,even terrorism suspects. It was a real step forward for an administration thattossed aside the Geneva rules years ago and then tried to place itself beyond thereach of the courts.
A.the three hearings held by the Pentagon are very fruitful
B.the Geneva Conventions should be obeyed by all nations
C.the Defense Department’s claim is insincere and dishonest
D.the Supreme Court has the lightest authority over the military
A.They refused to obey the Supreme Court
B.They were very satisfied with what they did
C.They always obeyed the Geneva Conventions
D.They ignored the Geneva Conventions for years
A.make sure that the prisoners are treated decently
B.ensure that the military commissions are legal
C.help pave the way for President Bush’s decision
D.reject President Bush9s decision
A.the Air Force
B.the U.S. Government
C.the Supreme Court
D.the Geneva Conventions
Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, finding lost people, and huntingdown criminals. Horses are used in guarding herds; carrying men in lands wherethere are no roads, and helping farmers work their land. Pigeons have long beenused to carry messages. Wild animals from the jungles, forests and seas are verypopular performers in circuses and movies. People realize that, although animalsmay not have the same intelligence as human beings, theyare smart enough tolearn certain things.
