Marriages of The Times
Arvind and Renu got married recently. Their wedding followed the pattern of traditional Indian marriage. The girl's family judged the boy's job future, and the boy's family investigated () the girl's background and character. Then Arvind's parents gave Renu the traditional pre-wedding gifts of clothes and jewelry. After the wedding, Renu moved into the home of her husband's parents.
Renu and Arvind met through a newspaper ad! Renu's father placed the ad in The Hindustan Times, a national newspaper. Arvind's father looked in the newspapers and saw the ad. "One has to depend on modern resources. You want to find someone who is well educated and from a good family for your child. The newspaper ads give you more choices," said Arvind's father.
His son and new daughter-in-law agree. They share the feelings of many young Indians who accept newspaper ads, placed by their parents, as the ideal way to find a mate: "We trusted our parents completely," said Arvind.
Social scientists explain that marriage through newspaper ads is becoming more common in India. They say that it is one sign of social change. In the past, Indian parents would arrange marriages with the sons or daughters of their friends and neighbors. Now Indian society is not as stable as it was in the past. People move all the time. They do not get to know the people in their community well. The ads show another change, too. People still expect a woman to be attractive and a good housekeeper. But families are also looking for women and men with an education. Status is becoming less important.
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
B. False
C. Not Given
Most people would agree that how a teacher dresses should not have much to do with his or her effectiveness as a teacher. Yet two studies suggest that the clothes worn by teachers make a difference in how students see and respond to them.
In one study, the researchers wanted to know if teachers would be viewed differently depending on the clothes they wore. They had teachers dress in three different styles: professional, casual professional, or casual. It was found that students' judgment of the teachers' expertise (专门知识) decreased as clothes became more casual. On the other hand, the teachers who dressed casually were seen as more interesting, out-going (开朗的) friendly.
In another study, the researchers asked students to complete surveys about their teachers' clothing. The students also answered questions about their views of their teachers, what they learned from their courses and their own classroom behavior. The results showed a close link between teachers' clothing and the ratings students gave them. Students also reported that they behaved better and learned more when the teachers dressed formally.
The results suggest some clothing strategies for teachers. If the goal is to appear capable and maintain order, it is a good idea to dress formally. If the goal is to be viewed as out-going and friendly, casual clothing might be a better choice. The best approach might be to match clothes with the educational goals of the class.
A.disagree with each other
B.show the effectiveness of teaching
C.are diferent from the common belief
D.have changed people's clothing style
A.dressed more professionally
B.became more interesting
C.became less friendly
D.dressed less formally
A.lear more
B.give lower ratings
C.behave poorly
D.respond negatively
A.match their personality
B.meet the educational goals
C.make them appear capable
D.eflect their personal choices
A.The Best Teaching Approach
B.Students' Ratings on Teachers
C.Teachers' Opinions on Clothing
D.Students' Reponses to Teachers' Clothes
Bridge to College
①This year I took part in a program called "Bridge to College." I took two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I found that the teachers were smart, helpful and kind, and the classes were challenging and rewarding. I had a very good experience with it.
② "Bridge to College" is a program designed for high school students to study at the community college. They receive credits for their courses. These credits are not only accepted as high school credits, but also count as classes for the colleges they are attending. You can take one course each term and you do not have to pay anything at all.
③ Getting started is very easy! All you have to do is make am appointment with your guidance counselors (指导老师). Let them know that you're interested in the program. Then they will give you a few forms for you and your family to fill out. And then they will send out the forms to the community college. You just need to go up to the college campus to sign up for your classes. The guidance counselors are very helpful during the process.
④I highly recommend this program to high school students, especially the seniors. The program has many benefits and best of all it's free.
A.Description of the program
B.Experience of attending the program
C. Recommendation to the students
D. Reasons for designing the program
E. Application procedure
A.Description of the program
B.Experience of attending the program
C. Recommendation to the students
D. Reasons for designing the program
E. Application procedure
A.Description of the program
B.Experience of attending the program
C. Recommendation to the students
D. Reasons for designing the program
E. Application procedure
A.Description of the program
B.Experience of attending the program
C. Recommendation to the students
D. Reasons for designing the program
E. Application procedure
A. the community college
B. it is easy
C. high schools and future colleges
D. it is difficult but worthwhile
E. the guidance counselors
F. fill out some forms
G. find it beneficial
A. the community college
B. it is easy
C. high schools and future colleges
D. it is difficult but worthwhile
E. the guidance counselors
F. fill out some forms
G. find it beneficial
A. the community college
B. it is easy
C. high schools and future colleges
D. it is difficult but worthwhile
E. the guidance counselors
F. fill out some forms
G. find it beneficial
A. the community college
B. it is easy
C. high schools and future colleges
D. it is difficult but worthwhile
E. the guidance counselors
F. fill out some forms
G. find it beneficial
A. the community college
B. it is easy
C. high schools and future colleges
D. it is difficult but worthwhile
E. the guidance counselors
F. fill out some forms
G. find it beneficial
A. the community college
B. it is easy
C. high schools and future colleges
D. it is difficult but worthwhile
E. the guidance counselors
F. fill out some forms
G. find it beneficial
Music as a Universal Language
The importance of music in our lives cannot be defined (定义) with words. (1)It is the universal language that we can all understand and relate to, even when our personal definitions are different. Music is a very valuable tool throughout the world.Music is variety. (2)Although we may not always like every type of music on the market, the variety makes music universal.Music is the voice we long for when we can't find words to speak. Many people will agree that there are songs that were written just for them. (3)They can express our emotions though we didn't really know we felt that way.Music is a great icebreaker.(4)If you are talking about music, dead silence isn't a good choice. Playing music in the background at parties will help calm your guests. Music sets the mood and makes things happier.sic speaks to our emotions. It evokes (e) memories.(5)It can help us relate experiences. It can bring a smile to our face or tears to our eyes. Music is a link to our soul.
Bowling (保龄球) in America
Bowling is a leisure activity. It is enjoyed by people of(1)all ages. It's seen as a way to(2)a night with family and friends. But how did this sport (3)its start? In spite of varied(4)on its origin, bowling came to the US in the 18th century. Over time, it has developed from a religious(5)to a leisure activity. While it may be(6)to find out who invented the(7), its influence on culture has led to the sport becoming a part of the lives of people. No matter where bowling is from, it is (8)exciting. It will continue to(9)bowling lovers all over the world So whether you're an expert or (10) to the activity, enjoy it and have fun!
