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  • 试卷类型:在线模考








1.The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing.Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words.Make sure you’re your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.
Chat Rooms in the Smartphone Era
Chat rooms have become an integral aspect of people's lives in the smartphone era.
People share news,thoughts,and feelings through lively phone messages.It is no exaggeration to say that every smartphone user belongs to at least one group chat room.Their chat room buddies are mostly family,friends,or people from work.The majority enjoy the casual chats while some occasionally complain about the constant messages from the workplace. Admittedly chat rooms strengthen family ties and friendships though work-related chat rooms may bother some who care much about their after-work leisure.
To start with,smartphone chat rooms can help narrow emotional distance between family members who live together under the same roof. Words like“thank you”and“sorry" that can be heard frequently among colleagues and strangers are less often spoken among family members.Thanks to chat rooms,these emotions can now be shared through a wide selection of expressive emoticons(表情符号).Specifically,chat rooms can serve as a helpful connection between parents and children,who may otherwise be out of touch with each other most of the time.Listening to their children and being aware of even little things going on in their lives through family chat rooms contribute to better parenting.
Are group chat rooms just as beneficial in the workplace?The answer is no.The chief reason is that employees have to be available 24/7.While a chat room keeps them informed,employees often feel harassed by messages from the boss,especially after work hours.For example,the boss may check an employee's work,giving more instructions,even long after office hours.If the employee does not reply to the message,it would be the same thing as ignoring the boss.Worse still, employees are not free to simply leave the chat room.They are afraid if they are not part of that online space,they will be left out of real-life interaction with their colleagues.That is why some people view the chat room as prison in the workplace.
In a word,while people appreciate the benefits of connecting and communicating with family members,friends and workmates,they may also suffer from the harassments of work messages in their leisure time.Yet,like it or not,chat rooms are here to stay.
2.Readthe following passage carefully and compose a“Topic Outline"for it.
Deadline Trauma
Kelly'slast day at high school was full of nostalgic sentimentalities.“All my friendswere posting,‘I'm going to miss you!Have fun at Queen's or Western orwherever!'"Though her school had reminded her of the universityapplication deadline in January,Kelly hesitated between arts and medicine asshe was enthusiastic about both.The deadline came and went,but she applied forneither.Kelly is not alone;many high school graduates delay their applications.
Everyyear around this time,prospective university students slave over applicationsto their preferred programs and schools.In Ontario,almost 90,000 bombard theOntario University Applications Centre with a total of 480,000 applications bythe end of January.A few keeners submit early,the majority apply in the fewdays before the deadline,and the rest wait until the last minute.
Itcan be tempting to fall into stereotypes about teens as irresponsible,unfocusedand immature,but it's not so simple.“Procrastination(拖延)is never justlaziness,even if it sometimes looks that way,"says a guidance counselorwho has spent 18 years at high schools.
“Most kids are somewherein the middle,but about 15 percent of kids have a plan and are ready-they don'teven need talking to.About a quarter need to be reminded and pestered and re-pestered."
Hardcoreprocrastinators usually fall into two camps,the counselor says.Some students justaren't ready.“Those students often take a year or two to explore the work worldand decide what they're really looking for."Others have so many choicesthat they have a hard time choosing a program.Used to being excellent,theydeeply fear missteps.They're often operating under the myth that if they chooseand change their mind,that's a failure.
Kellywas a bit of both.For a well-rounded student with good grades,the options were daunting.Shethought the choice would determine her future job prospect and even herlife.Scared and overwhelmed,she simply gave up the choice.
Tohelp reduce the stress,parents should resist the urge to monitor theapplication process.As education costs climb higher,parents have a larger stakein their kids' success,but“too much parental involvement getsproblematic,"warns a senior registrar.“We want students to do the soulsearching and make decisions themselves."
Still,studentsshouldn't panic if they miss a deadline.They might just pick up thetelephone,like Kelly did in August when she decided she was ready foruniversity and wanted to study at Ryerson.The admissions officers worked somemagic and found her a spot.
“Despite all the procrastination,"says a Ryerson registrar,“it'snever too late to check if it's really too late.”
Moststudents may find university application stressful or traumatic;therefore,it isnormal for students to procrastinate.Behind their procrastination could belaziness or indecision out of a scare for future uncertainty.Since misstepscannot be avoided,it is well-advised for university applicants to break themyth of failure.
Read the following passage carefully and compose a“Topic Outline"for it.
3.Food waste is a common problem today.Many people order more food than they can consume and throw away food that is no longer good to eat.Write a 300-word essay discussing the causes and offering the solutions.





      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日