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Australian Aborigines (土著居民)

Some aborigines live in the desert of Western Australia. They gather wild plants and hunt wild animals. Their desert environment averages less than eight inches of rain per year. And the temperature in summer may rise to 48°C. The few permanent (永久的) water holes are separated by hundreds of square miles of sand and rock.

On a typical day, the aborigines get up just before sunrise. The people breakfast on water and food left over from the night before. Children are sent to fetch water. In the cool of the early morming, the adults talk and make plans for the day. Where should they go for food- -to places they have been to recently, or to new places? The women decide which plants they want to collect, and where those plants are most likely to be found. Then they take up their

sticks and set out with large wooden bowls of drinking water on their heads. Their children ride on their hips (胯) or walk alongside. Meanwhile, the men may have decided to hunt animals. They go to a stream where they will wait to get any animal that may come along. They lie patiently behind a screen of bush they have set up, hoping for a chance to throw a spear (矛) at the animal. If they miss, the animal will run away. So they can only throw once. By noon, the men and women are back at camp. The women are usually with their

wooden bowls each flld with fruits or other plant foods; the men are often with only some small animals such as rabbits. Since the men's food-getting is less certain of success than the women's, most of the aborigines' diet is plant food.

(1)Some australian aborigines live by hunting and collecting wild plants

A. True

B. False

C.Not given

(2) There are many permanent water holes near the aborigines' homes.

A. True

B. False

C.Not given

(3) The aborigine children usually start schooling around eight years og o

A. True

B. False

C.Not given

(4) The aborigines get up early in the morning

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

(5) The aborigines have supper leftovers for breakfast

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

(6) The aborigine adults make plans in the evening

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

(7) When setting out to work, the aborigine women leave their children at home

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

(8) The aborigine men run after wild animals and try to catch them.

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

(9) The aborigines mainly eat plant food

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

(10) The aborigines' diet makes them strong and healthy

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given


Keeper of the Spring

An old man lived in a quiet forest high above an Austrian village along the eastern side of the Alps (阿尔卑斯山). He had been hired many years earlier by a young man from the town council (委员会) to clear away the rubbish from the pools of water up in the mountain that fed the lovely spring flowing through their town. Faithfully and silently, he walked around in the hills every day, removed the leaves and branches, and wiped away the mud that would otherwise have choked and polluted the fresh flow of water. The village soon became a popular attraction for vacationers.

Years passed. One evening the town council met for its monthly meeting. As they reviewed the budget, one man's eye caught the salary being paid to the keeper of the spring. Said the keeper of the purse,“Who is the old man? Why do we keep him on year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know, he is doing us no good. He isn't necessary any longer" After a vote, they stopped the old man's services.

For several weeks, nothing changed.

By early autumn, the branches and leaves of trees began to fall into the pools, blocking the rushing flow of water. Within a few days, the water became darker and darker. Within another week, a terrible smell was detected (觉察). Soon, fingers of disease reached deeply into the village.

Realizing their error of judgment, the council rehired the old keeper of the spring and, within a few weeks, the river of life began to clear up. Never become discouraged with the seeming smallness of your task, job, or life. The key to achievement is believing that what you can do will make a difference.

(1) The old man was hired to____

A. keep the pools of water clean

B. feed the lovely spring

C. look after the trees in the forest

D. manage the town council

(2) Tourists coming to the vllge were mainly atracted by____.

A. the town council building

B. the old man

C. the lovely spring

D. the quiet forest

(3) The town council fired the old man because they thought_____

A. his job was not useful

B. his salary was too high

C. he did not do his job well

D. he was too old for the job

(4) What happened after the old man was dismissed?

A. The trees began to die off

B. Villagers moved into the forest

C. The spring became dry

D. Diseases spread in the village

(5) What can we learn from this text?

A. No pain, no gain

B. Every job is worth having

C. Practice makes perfect

D. He laughs best who laughs last


Super Sense of Small
①Dogs have a surprising sense of smell. It allows them to perform excellently at search-and-rescue operations. It also enables them to detect bombs. They can even sniff(嗅)out chemical changes resulting from certain diseases. Therefore, dogs are trained to save people's lives.
②Dogs begin training when they are two months old. Their owners drop them off at training centers from 9 am to 5 p. m. every weekday. During the time, trainers play hide-and-seek with the dogs to train their sense of smell. They teach the dogs to climb ladders and run past obstacles(障碍)They also expose the dogs to loud noises.
③Diseases have specific smells. Although the smells are usually too subtle for human noses to detect, dogs can tell something is wrong and warn people about the problem by barking. Many people have reported that their dogs warned them of an illness.
④Scientists are training dogs to detect disease. A dog is asked to sniff a wheel. Blood samples from different people are attached to the outside of the wheel. Blood from a cancer patient has a slightly different smell than blood from a healthy person. The dog must figure out which blood sample to pick.
⑤Scientists are working to design an electronic nose that can sniff out cancer. To do that, they need to figure out what molecules(分子)are sent out from the cancer. Then they can create a mixture with similar smell to that of the cancer. Once scientists know which molecules match the cancer's smell, e-nose could be designed to detect cancer.


A.Electronic nose design

B.Blood sample detection

C.Molecule structure

D.Training for dogs

E.Life-saving ability of dogs

F.Dogs' ability to detect diseases


A.Electronic nose design

B.Blood sample detection

C.Molecule structure

D.Training for dogs

E.Life-saving ability of dogs

F.Dogs' ability to detect diseases


A.Electronic nose design

B.Blood sample detection

C.Molecule structure

D.Training for dogs

E.Life-saving ability of dogs

F.Dogs' ability to detect diseases


A.Electronic nose design

B.Blood sample detection

C.Molecule structure

D.Training for dogs

E.Life-saving ability of dogs

F.Dogs' ability to detect diseases


A.Electronic nose design

B.Blood sample detection

C.Molecule structure

D.Training for dogs

E.Life-saving ability of dogs

F.Dogs' ability to detect diseases

(6)Dogs can recognize chemical changes_____.

A.to train their sense of smell

B.to perform search and rescue

C.which are caused by diseases

D.who suffer from certain cancers

E.which molecules go with cancer

F.by recognizing certain blood samples

(7)Dogs are sent to training centers_____.

A.to train their sense of smell

B.to perform search and rescue

C.which are caused by diseases

D.who suffer from certain cancers

E.which molecules go with cancer

F.by recognizing certain blood samples

(8)Dogs sometimes can warn their owners_____.

A.to train their sense of smell

B.to perform search and rescue

C.which are caused by diseases

D.who suffer from certain cancers

E.which molecules go with cancer

F.by recognizing certain blood samples

(9)Dogs are trained to detect diseases_____.

A.to train their sense of smell

B.to perform search and rescue

C.which are caused by diseases

D.who suffer from certain cancers

E.which molecules go with cancer

F.by recognizing certain blood samples

(10)To design an e-nose, scientists must find out_____.

A.to train their sense of smell

B.to perform search and rescue

C.which are caused by diseases

D.who suffer from certain cancers

E.which molecules go with cancer

F.by recognizing certain blood samples


Summer School
It was the first week of June. Gabi just finished her third year of high school. However, when she received her report card in the mail, she learned that she failed a semester of algebra(代数). _____(1)
Gabi was glad she had the chance to make up for the class. She can't move on to the next level in math if she doesn't pass algebra. Summer school isn't easy though. _____(2) During the regular school year, however, she has twenty weeks to do so.
Summer school meant that Gabi would be stuck in a hot classroom while most of her friends were at the beach or local amusement parks. Gabi's friends didn't fail any course. _____(3)Going to summer school also meant that Gabi's family had to change their summer vacation plans.
Gabi had to be in summer school from 9 a.m. to noon. _____(3)She had to be on the bus at least an hour before class started or else she would be late. The classrooms were hot since the school building was old and did not have air conditioning. When Gabi came home from school, she couldn't do whatever she wanted. She had homework to do.
This was the first time Gabi had to go to summer school. _____(5)She made a promise to herself. In the fall, when regular classes begin again, she will try her hardest to pass all the courses.



Myths of Our Finger-nails
Everyone knows your finger-nails can show whether you are in good health or not. But that is not entirely true. Well, _____(1), there are plenty of people with health _____(2)who have normal-looking nails.
There can be a significant number of ways that finger-nails of healthy people can look _____(3). So while paying attention to changes in your nails is_____(4), thinking that there is a health problem may be too early.
Some women _____(5)that rubbing garlic(大蒜)on their nails has helped their nails grow longer. But that is not the case. Keeping nails _____(6)wet in proper ways can help _____(7)them from breaking, particularly in the _____(8)and winter months. It is a good idea to _____(9)hand cream on your hands and finger-nails after washing them, which will offer _____(10)from bad weather.

A. different
B. hopefully
C. prevent
D. believe
E. actually
F. protection
G. valuable
H. beautiful
I. use
J. issues
K. autumn
L. slightly






      更新版本:V.2 更新时间:2018年3月7日