1. We can see no juslifications for an inerease in the price.
A. reasons
B. results
C. explanations
D. Disputes
2. Multinational companies reaped great rewards of their foreign investment in developing countries.
A. appealed
B. offered
C. earned
D. rejected
3. The aim is to modernize the moribund state -owned enterprises that threalened China's economic progress.
A. strong
B. slagnant
C. poor
D. monopolistic
4. The structure of the fund management industry and stock market may also exacerbate the problem.
A. reduce
B. worsen
C. attribute
D. develop
5. Stock-taking of the open policy will come this year when the National People's Congress discusses the next five-year plan.
A. Inquiry
B. Acceptance
C. Statistic
D. Assessment