1. It is universally acknowledged that making the()from youth to adulthood
Can be very painful.
Can be very painful.
A. transmission
B. transition
C. transportation
D. Transformation
2. The host made a sincere()to his guests for having canceled the firework show.
A. excuse
B. reason
C. cause
D. Apology
3. Every morning she makes herself a cup of coffee, without which she cannot().
A. function
B. continue
C. burgeon
D. Survive
4. Critics generally believe that Hemingway's work is()on his own life.
A. founded
B. established
C. based
D. Built
5. Holmes was asked to help the police investigating the() deaths of children at the hospital.
A. miraculous
B. meticulous
C. mysterious
D. Monotonous
